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Ballet Folklórico de México is a folkloric ballet ensemble in Mexico City. For five decades it has presented dances in costumes that reflect the traditional culture of Mexico. The ensemble has appeared under the name, Ballet Folklórico de México de Amalia Hernández.
The ballet works and musical pieces reflect various regions and folk music genres of Mexico. Many of the ensemble's works reflect the traditions of indigenous Mesoamerican culture. Numbers of performers in individual dance numbers range from two to over thirty-five. From the group's founding by Amalia Hernández in 1952, the group grew from eight performers to a fifty piece ensemble by the end of the decade. In 1959 the group officially represented Mexico at the Pan American Games in Chicago, United States. Under Hernández the group was a pioneer of Baile Folklórico in Mexico. It is practiced by many people in America as well as Mexico. [1]
[2] Veracruz Dancers.
The ensemble performs three times weekly at the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City. Additionally, it has toured widely in the United States and has appeared in over 80 other countries.
There are three types of Ballet Folklorico. Danza, Mestizo, and Bailes Rejionales.
Ballet Folklórico de México
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Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | 2008 | The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright 2008 Columbia University Press. (Hide copyright information) Copyright
Ballet Folklórico de México Mexico's national dance company.
It was founded in 1952 by the dancer, choreographer, and teacher Amalia Hernández. Sponsored by the Mexican government, it is headquartered at the National Institute of Fine Arts in Mexico City and regularly tours worldwide. It began as a company of eight dancers that produced dances based on Mexican folklore for television and concert performance. Greatly enlarged, today it is recognized as one of the world's preeminent "ethnic" ballet companies and presents a wide range of colorful dances that spotlight Mexico's regions, history, and culture. The company also runs a dance
Photography of Mexican Folkloric Dance
Ballet Folklorico (or baile folklórico in Spanish) is the traditional folk dance of Mexico. It is a colorful expression of Mexican culture and tradition. These photos show variations of Mexican folkloric dance costumes represented by different regions of Mexico including the States of Jalisco, Yucatan, Veracruz and Sinaloa. Mexican folk dancing, perfomed to the lively music of mariachi bands, shows the energy and motion of this unique dance style. Many of these pictures were taken during Hispanic celebrations in America. Mexican holidays like Cinco de Mayo and Fiestas Patrias offer opportunities for Mexican Americans and Latinos to celebrate their rich cultural heritage. Stock photography and fine art prints of these images are available.