[Banana chips project proposal] |
2.Production 3
2.1Production steps of Banana Chips3
3.Market Potential3
3.1Demand and Supply3
3.2Sales Location3
4.Costing the Business4
4.1Equipment cost 4
4.2Staff Cost4
4.3Raw Material cost5
4.4License or Registration Cost5
4.5Operating Cost5
4.6Startup Costs6
5.Costing and Pricing7
5.1 Costing7
5.2Selling Price7
7.Financing the Business9
Banana Chips
INTRODUCTIONChips are the most popular variety of snacks and they are consumed round the year by people of all age groups from all income segments. Potato chips are more popular than banana chips but banana chips have a special category of consumers and they are preferred by many. Competition is not as fierce as in case of potato chips. There are some national as well as regional established competitors for potato chips but they are not in banana chips as the market is small. This provides an ample opportunity to a new entrant as the market is not dominated by some brands and with good quality and competitive pricing, it is possible to capture adequate market share.
Production Banana Chips or Crisps are deep fried snack - a small or casual meal. Cooking type bananas produce good Chips/Crisps. It is easy to make and the product is very tasty. The small-scale production requires but a few equipment, viz.: A stove (Gas, Diesel fired or even a Firewood Stove), Kitchen knives, Peelers, Cutting boards, Plastic buckets, Cooking pots, Containers, Frying pan or Wok, Long Spoons or ladles, Cheese cloth, Colander, Trays and Baskets, Plastic Pouches, Candles & old Hacksaw blade or a small Electric Impulse Heat Sealer and Weighing scale.
Production steps of Banana ChipsGood large size green cooking bananas slices are cut cross wise to give circular shape. Bigger size fruits are preferred to produce large size slices and an attractive product. Different