CIS 511
Dr. S. Huber
March 1, 2013
Determine feasibility of an ERP system: Bandon Group, Inc., is in the process of researching whether it would be feasible to integrate an ERP system with its company and offsite locations. There are a few unanswered questions as to if Brandon Group should pursue an ERP and CRM solutions in order to meet the company goals and its needs. To address the question, Bandon group should most definitely pursue an ERP and a CRM solution for its company. Bandon should first pursue an ERP solution as CRM solutions can be easily integrated within an ERP environment (Trak.In, 2010). Key findings in Bandon Group 's IT infrastructure indicates redundancy and difficulty in supporting external clients and internal operations because of the depravation of integration between the company 's systems and databases through the different departments of Bandon Group, Inc. Because of the differences of systems and information throughout each department in Bandon Group, Inc., it was difficult for the company to not only provide accurate information regarding customer billing and information to its own customers, but they could not keep accurate information such as revenue and expenses if each company had different information posted in the system, considering each department was under the same company. To alleviate redundancy and provide better support to customers in order to maintain a competitive advantage, integrating an ERP system would help Bandon provide web-accessed application for customers that 's up to date. In addition, when customers inquire on information regarding their account or billing, they can quickly receive accurate information in a timely matter over the web or over the telephone or in person at Bandon. The feasibility of ERP systems is very promising for Bandon Group as it will greatly help the company surpass its goals of remaining competitive through its
References: SAP, (n.d.). Customer Relationship Management. The Best-Run Business Run SAP Retrieved from:, M. (2005). Enterprise resource planning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Trak.In (2010). The differences between ERP and CRM. The India Biz-Tech Buzz: Retrieved from: |