Section: 20
Meeting Time: TF2 , Beck Hall 251
Instructor: Janet Ansine
Office Hours: W2, Lucy Stone Hall, Building B, Room 219
E-mail address:
The certified learning goals for Basic Composition (355:100) are:
To communicate complex ideas effectively, in standard written English, to a general audience.
To evaluate and critically assess sources and use the conventions of attribution and citation correctly. To analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate new insights.
Course Description
Basic Composition is designed to help students prepare for success in Expository Writing (355:101), which is widely acknowledged to be one of the most challenging courses at Rutgers. We will focus on building your confidence as a reader and writer, emphasizing your ability to read complex texts closely and with comprehension, to make valid connections between texts, to develop independent arguments, to control error, and to engage in the revision process.
Required Texts
Michelle Brazier, Points of Departure, 3rd Edition (2011)
Kirszner and Mandell, The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook, 5th Edition
Selected student papers to serve as models or the basis of in-class writing exercises
Course Requirements
Read six selections from Points of Departure, including one new essay for the final exam.
Write 5 out-of-class essays with a typed rough and final draft for each assignment.
Give three brief oral presentations in class as required participation.
Take an in-class Midterm Exam (essay format, graded pass or fail) and an in-class Final Exam
(essay format, graded pass or fail). You must pass the final exam to pass the course.
Keep all rough and final drafts in a folder, for mid-semester and end of semester folder review.
Regularly check your Sakai Course Site at (To access Sakai, you will need your
Rutgers Net ID and password. You will receive announcements from Sakai at your