Subject: Business Communication 2 Course Assignments
Business Presentation and Report (20%) 1. You are required prepare a business presentation related to Business Trends (Local/International) OR Development in ________ (Education, IT, Hospitalitydepends your degree). Please confirm with your tutor by week 2 on the topic and title of your presentation. Due Date for presentation: According to Sections/Lecturer/Centre (On-going from Week 9 - 11) Notes: Pair work (20 minutes) or Group – maximum 4 people (30 minutes) You may use visual aid but use wisely. Refer to for great ideas on presentation skills and styles.
2. You are required to prepare a complete business report (follow report writing format taught in class) based on your topic of presentation (above). Due Date: According to Sections/Lecturer/Centre: latest week 11 Interview and Resume and Application Letter (25%) 1. You are required to prepare a complete résumé together with an application letter applying for a position which has been advertised electronically or in the papers. You may assume that you have already graduated. Due Date: According to Sections/Lecturer/Centre: Week 12 ***What you need to submit for this assignment: Job Advertisement Application Letter Résumé
2. You are required to attend a mock interview as scheduled and agreed between the tutor and student. The interview content will be based on your resume and application letter. Failing to submit your assignment will mean an automatic rejection for a mock interview. Due Date: According to Sections/Lecturer/Centre (Week 13)
TOIC – CLGS – 121009 Updated: 01013
Business Communication 2 (February 2013 Semester)
1. Assignments should be typed and printed in Times New Roman, Font size 11, 1.5 spacing. 2. Consult with your tutor before deciding on a topic/title of presentation. 3. Dress appropriately for your presentation and mock