Be a top student in the class is a dream of every student. Many people say it’s not easy to do, but everything’s possible as long as we keep on trying. So the point is we can be a top student if we have a bash on learning. There are plenty ways to achieve it so, we can be a top student easily and effectively.
First, keep your mind on the lesson. You should attend carefully while teacher explaining about the lesson. No cell-phone, no chatting with your friends, no playing games when the teacher was explaining the lesson and keep focus can make you understand quickly than they who don’t. Maybe they who don’t will bother you. But, since you try keep on focus, they won’t really matter. You should try on your best in the school. So, keep focus, memorize, and you might pass the test with great score.
Second, make a summary note & be diligent. Make some note when the teacher explaining about the lesson can make you study easily when there’s any examination. You can learn the point of the lesson and read it every day; it should be so useful and learner-friendly. You can make it by your own word that you understand, and you can give some ornament like highlight to make it look attractive. Don’t be lazy and you not write down every lesson you learn, because, if you don’t, it can make difficulties for you to review what you’ve learned before.
Third, be active. Many teachers like the active student in the class, as we know; they give score not only by effective side but also the affective. For example, if the teacher asks for student to read a book in the front of class, you can raise your hand, and take it. I'm pretty sure they’ll appreciate with every little thing you’ve done, even just like that. Don’t forget to do your assignment, homework and task. They were the part of learning process. From the positive side, we can practice more, from affective side, it will give you point on his/her eye. Therefore, in order to be a top