Beauty is a very controversial topic in our world, since not everyone thinks of it in the same terms. Here, I will discuss how beauty is, in actuality, the true beast of this classic story. If we think about the word “beast” we might also find unaccountable opinions about the topic. Although there are different concepts of what a ‘beauty’ is and what a ‘beast’ is, we will look at the different variations of this fairy tale and this humble student’s point of view. In the first story for example, written by Jeanne-Marie LePrince, and considered the most well known, we have a kind, sweet and honest girl who’s family life and consideration for her father are her strong points. And yet, she asks for a simple rose, which leads to the complicated relationship she soon develops with the Beast.
While with the Beast, Beauty shows a side of her not seen at the beginning with her family. Beauty becomes strong-willed, superficial and a bit vain. She frequently refuses to marry the beast, yet she readily admits to feel affection for him. It is a bit ironic however, that she later decides she could marry the beast, if only because he is kind to her and makes her happy, despite the fact that she is still not in love with him. It is only when he finally turns human that she falls in love with him. So, can this even really be considered ‘love’? Or is she not acting just as the sisters who ill-treat her? For her sisters married for looks and wealth, so, can this not also be applied to Beauty’s relationship with Beast in the end? And so, is she really as ‘honest’, ‘innocent’ and ‘kind’, as is continuously said about her? Personally, I see a flaw in her, because in the beginning she only likes the beast, for his personality, but when she finally “falls” in love with the prince, it is because of what she saw in him. His physical features, not his inner self. This is why I see her as superficial as her sisters