Women: My body, my choice.
Men: Her body, her choice.
Women: My body, my choice.
Men: Her body, her choice.
Socrates: Excuse me Miss, but what is going on here?
Vivian: You haven't heard? That orange S.O.B. was elected as …show more content…
You are assuming that because the mother has the intellectual capacity she can therefore make wise decisions. However, that is not the case. We have seen hundreds of mother who did not make wise decisions and they had a standard intellectual capacity.
Vivian: Yes, I see what you mean. But, I meant that in most cases mothers make the right choice because they are adults.
Socrates: Agreed, adults have been proven to have better judgement. But you still have not answered my question. Is abortion not a violation of the right of the baby growing inside a mother?
Vivian: No it is not a violation, because the unborn fetus is a mass of cells that grows inside of the mother, it has no rights because it is not yet a human being. Once the baby is born, then they receive rights and are considered human beings.
Socrates: All right, let us consider what you have said. You said that the unborn fetus is not yet a human being, but it will be legally considered as a human being once they are born, so in other words, it is not yet a human being but it does have the potential to become a human being, correct?
Vivian: Yes, that is what I said.
Socrates: Can you tell me what a human being …show more content…
Vivian: Once it is born it is considered a human being with legal rights.
Socrates: You seem to have misunderstood my question. Will this pregnancy result in the birth of a human child?
Vivian: Of course! It has human parents and it is made from a human egg and a human sperm.
Socrates: So once this human fetus is born, it is granted with rights. Both legal and natural, correct?
Vivian: The newborn will be granted both, as it is human.
Socrates: Can you please define natural rights for me, since I am not able to recall the exact definition as of right now.
Vivian: The Declaration of Independence says, that all men are given unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Socrates: Thank you, Vivian. Your own Constitution states that the right to life is an inalienable natural right.
Vivian: I can see what your next point will be, and let me tell you that the Courts have determined that during the earliest stages of a pregnancy, there is a lack of fetal viability, so no right to life can be assumed.
Socrates: We will come back to the viability of fetus in just a second. Isn't a human fetus a future human