I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual who has a passion for teaching. I consider myself to be very approachable, and a good communicator. I also have good organisation skills, and am a very hard working. I am always willing to learn new skills and build upon the skills I already have. I thrive within a classroom environment as I enjoying teaching children new things as well as coming up with exciting new ways to teach.
I am currently studying for a BA Hons in Textiles, a subject that i am passionate about, but one one that i have come to realise is not the correct career path for me. I do feel however, that having a degree in the creative arts will benefit me with the classroom as i feel it is very important to have a creative mind when planning lessons as it helps the children to engage more in what they are being taught.
Throughout my university life I have taken on extra roles of responsibility such as the staff-student liaison. Here I am a link between pupils and lecturers, and have to attend meetings where we can voice our concerns as students and gain feedback from our tutors and other members of staff.
Becoming a primary school teacher is something I have always wanted to do. I have been greatly inspired by an old teacher of mine, who i always looked up to and admired. I feel i have a real enthuasium for teaching as well as a great deal of patience, which i believe is an important quality to hold when working with children. Through the classroom experience i have gained through various weeks of work experience, i have seen my love for teaching grow and it has shown me that becoming a teacher is very much the correct career path to embark on.
I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual who has a passion for teaching. I consider myself to be very approachable, and a good communicator. I also have good organisation skills, and am a very hard working. I am always willing to learn new skills and build upon the skills I already have. I thrive within a classroom environment as I enjoying teaching children new things as well as coming up with exciting new ways to teach.
I am currently studying for a BA Hons in Textiles, a subject that i am passionate about, but one one that i have come to realise is not the correct career path for me. I do feel however, that having a degree in the creative arts will benefit me with the classroom as i feel it is very important to have a creative mind when planning lessons as it helps the children to engage more in what they are being taught.
Throughout my university life I have taken on extra roles of responsibility such as the staff-student liaison. Here I am a link between pupils and lecturers, and have to attend meetings where we can voice our concerns as students and gain feedback from our tutors and other members of staff.
obvisouly from my drgree subject i have a great knowledge of art, whihc i fell can be used to help create interactive lessons within all subjects. Alongside this, i found while on work experience, I had a great enthuasium for teching history, english and maths. I found with history you were able to make the lesson come alive through role play and design projects and this worked well within english lessons as well. I am very ethuastic about teaching maths as it was a subject i really enjoyed as a student and i feel it is a vital skill to take with you through life.
For my work experience i worked in a school that had behaviour issues. Through this experience i was able to note how to interact with children that were mis behaving, with out getting them to react to being told off. Alongside this i was able to observe class room layouts and how they varied for individual and group activities. I also noted that at times, the teacher's mood would change within the classroom, depending on what was happening.
I feel having a degree in the arts would help out a school as i can give help and advice for displays, shows and creative teaching. As well as this i have a great enthuasium for photography, which would be benefical for school newsletters as well as school assembilys. I also enjoy taking part in sport activities and would be very willing to help run lunchtime, after school and holiday clubs for sports. I have also gained ICT skills and managment skills from the part time job that i currently hold. I manage a shop at weekends as well as working as their website co-ordinator.