Darya Alexandra Amiri
PSYC 4030 D
York University
Exercise is an important part of maintaining physical and psychological health for all ages and populations. Despite its importance many populations, such as students, do not incorporate exercise into their daily routine (Reed & Phillips, 2005). In fact, the majority of university students are either not active or do not have a regular exercise regimen (Reed & Phillips, 2005) which can negatively impact their academic studies based on the research between exercise and learning (Misra & McKean, 2000). Exercise is just a small factor in a bigger problem that university students and the young …show more content…
He lives on residence at his school, York University, and reveals to the therapist during his intake that he loves to spend time in front of the TV, has a tendency to be lazy and is a morning person. The participant was not active at the time of intake but prefers outdoor activities to indoor exercising. Due to his heavy workload and part time job at the bookstore, he has difficulty managing his time effectively and finding time to be active, and feels unmotivated towards performing exercise.
Using an outcome research study design, a case study was conducted of the participant throughout the sessions. Being the only participant in this study, a case study was most appropriate because a detailed description of what transpires during treatment was necessary to monitor his progress. Due to the novel application of this intervention, using a case study was good for documenting the success of therapy and allows the researcher to demonstrate the feasibility of the delivery of the therapy technique, which can lay the groundwork for further empirical testing. The study included weekly sessions over a 9-week treatment plan including a baseline assessment during the first week. The token economy was terminated during week 6 of treatment and natural reinforcers were slowly incorporated instead. The last two weeks of therapy consisted of the participant learning problem …show more content…
This included the use of a point system to allow John to visually see his success in performing the target behaviour. If the target behaviour is performed then points would be given, and if it is not performed, points would be taken away. When the target behavior was performed, 10 points would be awarded; however, if the participant engaged in any other activity during the allotted time for exercise then 10 points would be taken away. The therapist worked with the participant to make a list of backup reinforcers which included the following: archery for 25 points, reading for 50 points, cooking for 35 points, nature photography for 30 points and TV/movies for 60 points. The less physically active the activity was, the more points the participant had to collect to use the backup reinforcer. Symbolic tokens were chosen – rather than tangible token such as poker chips – to allow the participant to evaluate himself on a chart or a calendar, both of which he frequently used daily for school. The chart or calendar was then brought to the therapy session at the end of the week along with the daily diary to assess whether he completed his target behaviour for the week. The therapist would then sign off on his points by looking at his daily diary for each running