
Belive Minecraft Research Paper

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I belive Minecraft can influence the education system greatly in a positive manner becasue of the one fundameltal principal the game is based off of : creation. Within the education sysyem, Students and educators both work together to create an enviornment where knowledge can be used to better society and create ideas and philosophys that change the world . And with the few tools the education system gives students , we are able to create a beautiful world filled with knowledge , art ,ideas , and wisdom. Just as in minecraft, we have the ability to create anything with the correct tools in our world . The world one choses to create in Minecraft can be simple and pleasant , or complex and enligtening. It can be a world where one choses to create beaitiful …show more content…

Minecraft can be the first step in a world where studnets learn how to create worlds greater thsn the ones they live in. It allows stdents to create a world where arent trapped in a cintrolling enviornment where rhey are forced to be fillowers instead of inmovstors and leaders. Becasue in Minecraft, one has comlete control . They are the one and only inovator in their world. Minecraft also allows stidents to build crative , new wirlds , as opposed to builing upon the wirld that we live in currently , based on corruption , destruction and discrimination . Minecraft can challange srudents to use the tools they have been given to create aomething the world has never seen befire. Minecraft also can challange stidents to view the world in a difdernet perspective, and also challage the perspectives others have. Minecraft can bring studnets together to create somenthing tigether, allowing students to wirk as part of a team. This wikk allow students to combjne ideas wirh other srudents amd works together to create a world more diverse and complex. In minecraft studenrs are the innkvatoes , creatirs and

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