The British Imperialism had minimized a good percentage of local warfare, with having European military controlling the raids between tribes which had reduced. What good is all that, what is the whole fascination of the British Imperialism with Britain's hunger? Africans had lost control of their land as well as their independence. The quarrel included many nations of Europe such as: France, Great Britain, Germany,Spain, Italy, and Portugal. British Imperialism actually had a good impact in Asia.…
Imperialism also resulted in the unequal distribution of resources and wealth, which also fueled resentment and dissatisfaction among the colonized populations, leading to nationalist movements and resistance against colonial rule. Imperialism exploited colonies for resources and labor, enriching the colonial powers while leaving many colonized people impoverished. Imperialism had many advantages to those countries which were rich in power and resources, but the complete opposite was to the nations that were taken over by the powerful nations and countries. The more powerful countries had made up their military forms to be as best as possible, and capable so they could expand into other nations and countries. Competition to have the most powerful military side leads to other sides to push their military services to strive further, causing competition to be the one to drive a wedge in between each other.…
While imperialism can bring social and economic growth it can also be taken too far leading to a power struggle. Smaller countries can be taken advantage of. Thus, others needing a justification for their actions. Countries can feel dominated by the power of others and end up giving up their sense of culture, customs, and even their identity. The basic justification for all countries was that it would provide a better and more productive way of life.…
Imperialism has many costs and many benefits. Some benefits are new technology, education, and new weaponry. Some costs are many reforms, unfair trade treaties, and many deaths. With all the losses of imperialism, there were benefits that counteracted the costs of all the losses. The costs of imperialism are outweighed by the benefits of imperialism. Imperialism benefits in Japan outweighed the costs by gaining a spot as a world power, building a stronger military, and earning a higher spot in economic trade. Britain’s imperialism was beneficial because it helped make society more productive, less violent, and more organized.…
Imperialism is the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, new imperialism was spreading all over and was a progressive force for both the oppressors and the oppressed when it came to stereotypes and economic success. However, it made the oppressors spread their culture and achievements while the oppressed learned from the Europeans and were continuously put down with the whites thinking it was their job to make them civilized.…
I do not think that imperialism is beneficial to China. Firstly, Britain forced China to consent to opium, as payment for their goods because gold and silver were rare. Though, when China refused, it triggered the first Opium War. Then, when Britain conquered the war, China ended up using the opium as payment anyways. The opium eventually caused the Chinese people to become addicted, and the addiction became an epidemic. This shows that imperialism caused terrible wars, drug addictions, and even rebellion. Simply, imperialism wasn’t helpful at…
Being an educated european citizen, I feel that I should express my support for Imperialism. Since China was overflowing with unexploited natural resources and the government wasn't very strong in the first place, this made it easy for neighboring colonies and imperialists to take control. Though this may seem frightening for the citizens of China, they have yet to see the great things to come. China in turn will become a more cultured enviornment and it's growth will be astonishing! This won't only benefit China, but the country that gains control as well. Thats more land and more opprotunities for industrial growth. Hello! More jobs and a wealthier economy! I think Imperialism is a wonderful thing because it's a win-win…
While many of the things brought into place by the European powers harmed the colonists, the benefits outweighed the costs of colonization. This was seen in India during the British rule. “The British brought advanced western education to India. Romesh Dutt believed this brought peace and order to the ancient and civilized India.” (Doc. 7) Imperialism brought modern transportation to colonies. “The rush to colonize nations brought new modes of transportation such as trains, canals, new roads.” (Doc. 3) Imperialism brought a new sense of unity to the colonies. “Many colonists who opposed Imperialism brought together a strong national unity which would not have happened without imperialism.” (Doc. 12) There are many countries today that would still be a majority indigenous and separated today if it weren’t for imperialism.…
Imperialism has affected america and the world in various ways. Imperialism has many benefits. The world wouldn't be as advanced today if it weren't for spread of technology, healthcare, and language. One example is that healthcare got rid of many deadly diseases. Also with language spread, more cultures were influenced.…
Imperialism and its factors changed the world in many different but important ways. Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. European nation took control African countries without any consideration of citizens or tribal boundaries. Factors…
‘”The Champions of the Game,” British “imperialist” were unquestionably the shrewdness of them all. . Their military more advanced and powerful than others: their technology advanced, and they were astute. When ‘colonizing” a word play for taking over the populations they “found,” and claiming them as a part of the British empie. with imperialistic methods. Not just any country could be colonized formerly or informally” they must have something the British wanted to seize, riches, resources or strategically placed lands or ports at sea. . “Colonies” were sent governmental leaders from Britain as well as military forces. They implemented schools, economic bases, and governmental agencies for trade. They also brought a bunch of British citizens…
From: Imperialism and World Politics, Parker T. Moore, 1926 To begin with, there are the exporters and manufacturers of certain goods used in the colonies. The makers of cotton and iron goods have been very much interested in imperialism. Their business interests demand that colonial markets should be opened and developed and that foreign competitors should be shut out. Such aims require political control and imperialism. Finally, the most powerful of all business groups are the bankers. Banks make loans to colonies and backward countries for building railways and steamship lines. They also make loans to colonial plantation owners, importers, and exporters. The imperialist business interests have powerful allies.…
It also allowed the European countries to gather raw materials to make new goods and technology. With the access to more free resources the europeans could make more of the things that they loved. They also were able to cure the small illnesses like the common cold. Countries were brought together and war was minimized by all the african countries that were controlled by the same mother country speaking the same language. many things happened during the age of imperialism,many things were bad, and yet many things were good. There were technological advancements, better health care, and access to great raw materials. That’s why the age of imperialism was a great time in…
The bad things of imperialism included that there main nation often imposed heavy taxes on colonies. Colonies also didn't have that much representation in the government's because they imposed rule on them. Even if the populations from the main countries had democratic representation. It had…
Imperialism did have many positive effects in America. To begin America strengthened it economy. With the war creating jobs and imperialism gaining America access to more natural resources America was doing great. Imperialism helped establish America a strong military. The military grew and America was named a big power after WWI. Many people felt that imperialism was doing a favor to other countries. America felt like it was their duty to spread democracy to other countries and that was one of the things they were doing with imperialism. Other positive things that came from imperialism in America was the construction of the Panama Canal, the independence of Cuba, Philippines, and Panama, and increased transportation in the…