Again, I strongly agree with what Franklin conveys because we should be able to speak freely without being punished or hurt in any sort of way. Allowing others to say anything aloud without being punished gives people a sense of pride and freedom. Within Franklin’s ten principles, the fifth one, he states “Printers are educated in the Belief that when Men differ in Opinion, both sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Public; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter. Hence they cheerfully serve all contending Writers that pay them well, without regarding on which side they are of the Question in Dispute” (Franklin 42). Having the ability to speak freely allows one person to verbally and mentally connect and share ideas with one another. However, have you ever thought about how the world would be if we didn’t have freedom of speech? Imagine living in a world where you were controlled on what you can and cannot say. This would mentally break you down, because you wouldn’t be able to share out your thoughts with one another and you wouldn’t be able to communicate freely and would have to watch everything you say or else you’d be punished. Being given freedom of speech is a privilege that we were all given. Being able to speak freely allows anyone to be able to voice out their feelings and opinion to anyone. Lastly, there in one last thought on freedom by the man Benjamin
Again, I strongly agree with what Franklin conveys because we should be able to speak freely without being punished or hurt in any sort of way. Allowing others to say anything aloud without being punished gives people a sense of pride and freedom. Within Franklin’s ten principles, the fifth one, he states “Printers are educated in the Belief that when Men differ in Opinion, both sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Public; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter. Hence they cheerfully serve all contending Writers that pay them well, without regarding on which side they are of the Question in Dispute” (Franklin 42). Having the ability to speak freely allows one person to verbally and mentally connect and share ideas with one another. However, have you ever thought about how the world would be if we didn’t have freedom of speech? Imagine living in a world where you were controlled on what you can and cannot say. This would mentally break you down, because you wouldn’t be able to share out your thoughts with one another and you wouldn’t be able to communicate freely and would have to watch everything you say or else you’d be punished. Being given freedom of speech is a privilege that we were all given. Being able to speak freely allows anyone to be able to voice out their feelings and opinion to anyone. Lastly, there in one last thought on freedom by the man Benjamin