I. Beginning a. History-BB/BS began as early at the 1900's.
b. Facts and statistics-Children in the program excel in various areas such as school and relationships with others.
II. Role of a Big Brother or Big Sister a. Purpose-Our mentoring helps children from single parent homes.
b. Experiences-Examples of a big's experiences with his or her little.
III. Little Brother's and Little Sister's Part Purpose a. What they gain-Being in the programs can change their life forever.
b. What we do-We do a lot of fun stuff together IV. Conclusion a. It's easy to become a volunteer.
INTRODUCTION The Big Brothers/Big Sisters program was designed for children from single parent homes. The program matches little brothers and little sisters "little's"�, with adult role models, also called "big's"�. The mission statement of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Northeast Alabama is "to create, organize, promote, and encourage the welfare of children generally by providing a one-to-one friendship for children of single parent homes with adult volunteers. The corporation shall affirmatively attempt to represent and assist boys and girls of all ethnic, racial, national, cultural, and religious groups in the Northeast Alabama service area. In fulfilling this purpose, it shall be the policy of the corporation to seek and accept only those volunteers possessing the highest personal level of stability, honesty, integrity, ethics and unassailable morality"� (BB/BS, personal communication, September 1, 2000).
RESEARCH METHODS I became a volunteer in the program in September 2000. I choose to become a volunteer to help a child in need. I also knew it would be a learning experience for