less of this openness are more traditional in the aspect that they tend to take the safer route and often are closed off to change and getting out of their element to experience something new. Trait number two is referred to as conscientiousness where a person often times is an overachiever and are always on top of things either for a job or just in general.
They tend to stay focused and very rarely break the roles. Those who have a lower sense of conscientiousness typically portray qualities such as organization and fall victim to impulsiveness.
Number three on the scale of the big five personality traits is extroversion. Extroversion and introversion is based off of how the brain restores energy not how outgoing a person is. Extroverts re-energize by going out and socializing while introverts after a social event typically end up taking a day or two to rejuvenate. This trait implies the importance of how much socializing one needs to have a happy and healthy life style.
Agreeableness is a trait that has two extremes. Those that are agreeable want everyone to get along and often go out of their way and make sacrifices for people. People who are on the low side of the agreeableness trait are often argumentative, uncooperative, and prone to severe suspiciousness. They focus on themselves more than others and generally do not get along with others very
Trait number five is neuroticism which focuses on people’s emotional stability. Highly neurotic people are prone to being overwhelmed easily and often struggle with anxiety. Those who fall on the lower scale of neuroticism tend to be more cool, calm, and collected. They do not get overwhelmed easily and never let the small stuff ruin their day.
Even though these are the five prominent traits to be seen within a society setting a different geographical environment from where a person may grow up can prove these five traits to not be as accurate as originally proclaimed to be. Overall, any person can and has to ability to identify which traits they belong too based upon the big five personality traits.