Just to illustrate, here’s an example. Most of us are realists about the existence of dogs. We believe the world contains dogs and their existence in no way depends upon our perceptions of them or thoughts and beliefs about them. But what about the concept of Bigfoot? There are lots of stories about large yeti looking creatures hiding in off mountain areas and occasionally interacting with people, but we're not sure if there is any truth to these tall tales. They may be mistaken sightings by frantically scared hikers that have claimed to see some enormous rare creature that may resemble Bigfoot, or they may be sociopaths in chinchilla coats just messing around with people? Alternatively, these supposed ‘sightings’ might simply be stories for shock effect to lighten the mood at a campfire or forewarning to keep people aware of the dangers of wooded areas. If Bigfoot sightings were actually proven to be credible we might speculate that they do indeed exist and are entities of the world. And if they didn’t concretely so exist then we would know they weren’t entities of the world. And whether they did or did not exist, in no way depends upon our experiences or beliefs on the
Just to illustrate, here’s an example. Most of us are realists about the existence of dogs. We believe the world contains dogs and their existence in no way depends upon our perceptions of them or thoughts and beliefs about them. But what about the concept of Bigfoot? There are lots of stories about large yeti looking creatures hiding in off mountain areas and occasionally interacting with people, but we're not sure if there is any truth to these tall tales. They may be mistaken sightings by frantically scared hikers that have claimed to see some enormous rare creature that may resemble Bigfoot, or they may be sociopaths in chinchilla coats just messing around with people? Alternatively, these supposed ‘sightings’ might simply be stories for shock effect to lighten the mood at a campfire or forewarning to keep people aware of the dangers of wooded areas. If Bigfoot sightings were actually proven to be credible we might speculate that they do indeed exist and are entities of the world. And if they didn’t concretely so exist then we would know they weren’t entities of the world. And whether they did or did not exist, in no way depends upon our experiences or beliefs on the