One example would be free English classes. The classes could even cater to a parent being able to help their child in school. Depending on a parent’s English speaking ability, they could come into their child’s classroom one day and give a lesson on their native culture including music, decorations, food, and random items/trinkets. That would help the student feel as though his/her classmates understand more of where they come from and what is familiar to them. If the parent does not speak enough English, the classroom teacher can do this as well (WETA,
One example would be free English classes. The classes could even cater to a parent being able to help their child in school. Depending on a parent’s English speaking ability, they could come into their child’s classroom one day and give a lesson on their native culture including music, decorations, food, and random items/trinkets. That would help the student feel as though his/her classmates understand more of where they come from and what is familiar to them. If the parent does not speak enough English, the classroom teacher can do this as well (WETA,