As discussed by Mark Hyman (Hyman, 2010), the bodily functions and its extrinsic connections need to be understood to fully comprehend why the specific disease process is occurring. In functional medicine the search is for why the symptom or disease is present and what is causing the imbalance …show more content…
Many prior fatal infections could be treated and disease outbreaks became more manageable with their use. Sadly then, that poor education of the prescribers has now made these medications resistant to many of the things they were once created to destroy. How many times have we heard the story mentioned amongst different social circles of the person visiting the doctor so they could obtain antibiotic prescriptions for the common cold? They would run off happily with their medications not realising the impact on the body and also the medical environment by taking these drugs. Many bugs that were once able to be destroyed by the so called super medicines are now rising to power and are unable to be stopped. Reports in the media of people dying from bacterial infections that were once preventable are now common place. Antimicrobials have been added to so many aspects of our daily life without many people realising. Unless a truly organic lifestyle is sustained sadly we would be ingesting some type of medication daily without our consent. This in turn affects the natural balance of the body. One of the major common symptom which affects thousands is digestive disturbances which in biomedicine is then treated symptomatically with further medications prescribed, some of which would be a type of antimicrobial. Biomedical physicians are now becoming more aware of the links between digestive symptoms and the further progression of disease. How is it then can we get out of this mess we have placed our environment into? There are more people today dying of heart disease, diabetes, and other preventable lifestyle diseases then AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined (Dean Ornish, 2012). By the year 2020 less than 20