
Bledsoe Case Analysis

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As Bledsoe optioned to take the ball and run himself, he was focused on reaching the first down marker. Without regard for his safety, Bledsoe kept his body upright and challenged the New York Jets defender to make a play. Both, Bledsoe and the defender lowered their shoulders, except the momentum of the opposition inflicted such force onto Bledsoe, he was forced by his body to remain on the ground. It was evident, a return for Bledsoe was inconceivable. Nonetheless, an unsuspecting, inexperienced but not unprepared Tom Brady, was nearest to carrying out the quarterback role. Tom Brady, number twelve, swiftly placed his helmet onto his head and awaited guidance regarding the coaching move. Brady was given the quarterback position only moments …show more content…

Being second is not bad, being second motivates you to work and improve until the time comes when you receive a chance. From the standpoint Brady had, being behind a very successful quarterback, he knew what needed to be done for the team to succeed. He could of arguably had the same skills as Bledsoe but lacked the experience. Tom Brady clearly was not the type of person to want to be behind someone else. His success came from the motivation he acquired from not always being first. Not one day would go by that Brady didn’t question why he wasn’t out on the field starting. He could only work as hard as he could all the time to perfect his skills and give himself the best shot at a starting role. The main criticism about Brady was the quickness of the plays he made. “ Slow on reads, slow to react, doesn’t deliver the ball in time,” what do you think Tom Brady did? He worked hard at those things, but always kept in the back of his mind that the time would come. He would eventually see the day he could display the talents he had been refining his whole …show more content…

If this does not motivate you, are you trying to achieve your goals? This was only the second year Tom Brady had played in the NFL, a backup, who had set goals to become the starter. He reached that goal, but he set another one, win a Super bowl. In his first year playing a full NFL regular season game, he made it to the Super Bowl and against the L.A. Rams, won his first ring. The ability to win immediately and unexpectedly from a backup, shows that no matter how young you are, or how inexperienced you may be, you can always set goals for yourself, and those goals can always be attained. Even though Tom Brady started behind at each level, his aspiration, work-ethic, motivation and patience allowed him to prevail as a supreme

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