Group members
01-Divya Malik 11308866
02-Y Himashika Gimahani De Silva 11308685
03-Mohit Thapkiyal 11308743
04-Anushka Singh 11302955
05-Amit kumara 11304693
06-Niyuhire Divine 11303896
Introduction of the cause
Problems of the cause
Solutions to the above mention
SOWT analysis
Blockbuster is still the world’s largest video rental company,but last few year’s blockbuster have not been good ones.After Mr Janes W Kenyes become the CEO,he get blockbuster good standard.By 2004 his company achieved 36 consecutive quarters of revenue growth and a profit of $106 million.
Mr Kenyes approach quantitative data collected by each store dictates the product mix carried in that store.He always think about the how to satisfy the customer needs in better and best way
Problems of the case
01-Mr Keyes obviously is a big fan of the quantitative approach.How might principles of scientific management be useful to Blockbuster?
These are the principles of scientific management,
01 Gathering of the traditional knowledge of the workmen record and codifit it.
02 Scientific selection of the workman and his progressive development.
03 Bringing together the trained workmen and the scientific approach.
04 Teamwork between management and workmen sharing of the division of the labour.
Mr keyes is use lots of scientific management principles and quantitative approach.In this company people are get together and do their work that is the main reason they became successful.Before 1990s company has made lots of losses,by 2004 they achieved consecutive quarters of revenue growth and profits.
02-How might knowledge of organization behavior help the company ‘s frontline store supervisors management their employees?Would Mr Keyes and other top managers need to understand OB?why or why not?
Organization behavior,
1-Study of different organizational structures.
2-Individual behavior,attitude and learning