A blood experiment was performed testing four different patients blood to find out their specific blood types. Blood types are categorized in four blood groups based upon the antigen ( proteins on the surface of blood cells that can cause a response from the immune system) ("Rh factor" 2006) on the surface of the red blood cell. The blood groups are A, B, AB and O, names which are broken down from the ABO blood group system. Although simulated blood was used for the experiment a standard blood typing outcome was still obtained. After conducting the experiment I was able to identify each patients blood type by comparing the antigens and antibodies found within the blood.
Materials and Methods Simulated blood, plastic slides, and antiserum were the materials used to perform this experiment. In order to specify each patients blood type it was necessary to place two drops of the simulated blood in each well on the plastic slide labeled A, B, and Rh. After dropping the blood into the specified wells the appropriate antiserum was added to determine the blood type. The three antiserums A, B and Rh were placed accordingly to the matching blood type on the slide, a toothpick was used to mixed the the two together, if agglutination occurred a positive result was indicated. If all three wells on the slide were without agglutination the blood type of the specific individual was identified as O. By concluding which antigens are present in the blood I was also able to figure out which antibodies are present. The antibodies in the blood attack the foreign red blood cells by binding to them. For example type A blood has A antigens and B antibodies, the B antibodies are ready to attack or destroy B antigens (since those antigens would be foreign in this particular persons red blood cells). ("Blood typing," 2001)
Results The results of the experiment yielded four different blood types. Mr. Green’s blood type is AB+, Ms.
Cited: . American Red Cross, . Blood types. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "http://" aboutblood/bloodtypes.asp (2001, December 3). Blood typing. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "http:/" educational_games/medicine/landsteiner/ readmore.html (2006, April). Rh factor: . Retrieved from HYPERLINK "http://" http: pregnancycomplications/ rhfactor.html VanPutte, Regan, Russo, . (2009). Seeley 's essential of anatomy & physiology. New York, Ny: McGraw-Hill.