NCC BMG210 Organizational Behavior Dr. Tom Failla
Engagement – Case Study pg. 158
“We Need More Engagement Around Here”
Abstract: This case is about the management team of a regional Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) being worried because a particular company may shift to another HMO provider due to the higher cost offered in the company compared to the competition. The CEO, Peggy Bates expresses her concern about employee’s performance and lack of effort on their daily tasks. She also believes that as a company they could potentially reduce cost if employees engage more in the company purpose. The analysis of this case focuses on some aspects that need to be taken into consideration before addressing the problem, like individual differences (DuBrin p 20), group dynamic (DuBrin p.190), communication channels (DuBrin p.173) and job enrichment (DuBrin p.139). The possible solutions and approach to the case is based in the two popular motivational theories the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (DuBrin p. 114), and the Expectancy Theory (DuBrin p.125), which focuses on outcomes. In the increasingly competitive business environment of recent years, finding ways to motivate employees has become a pressing concern for many managers. In fact, a number of different theories and methods of employee motivation have emerged, ranging from monetary incentives to increased involvement and empowerment. The management team of this company can take different approaches to motivate employees; an example of Organizational Behavior Modification (DuBrin p.144) has been adapted for this case, putting together reinforcements to increase the desired behavior.
The recommendation focus on blending in the individual needs as well as the company needs to achieve balance in the way this problem can be solved. Employee empowerment, positive reinforcements, rewards and recognition can potentially help employees reach an optimum level of
References: Arua, Uche, and Akobundu D. Ugah. "Expectancy Theory, Maslow 's hierarchy of needs, and cataloguing departments." Library Philosophy and Practice (2011). Academic OneFile. Web. 1 Dec. 2014. DuBrin, Andrew J. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western, 2007. Print Isaac, R. G., Zerbe, W.J., & Pitt, D. C. (2001). Leadership and motivation: The effective application of expectancy theory. Journal of Managerial Issues, 13(2), 212-226. Korzynski, Pawel. "Employee Motivation In New Working Environment." International Journal Of Academic Research 5.5 (2013): 184-188. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.