Participants credited the training for the coordinated and effective response to the bombings by law enforcement, medical, and other personnel. There was an issue with communication as there had been with other incidents we have had. The issues were commercial wireless network saturation and incompatibility of certain radio communications between law enforcement organizations and State and local responders. The wireless network was congested for four hours.. If we remember correctly communication issues has seemed to showed up on several terrorist attacks we’ve had. The Boston attacks did have an advantage that more of our other attacks never had. EMS (emergency medical services) was already there making it easy for them to get to the victims. As most are aware EMS is generally instructed to wait until a scene is safe and secure before entering to treat victims.
In conclusion of this case study I think it is important to understand that even though there has be several successful terrorist attacks including the Boston attack but it is important to remember that many have been prevented in return saving a lot of