Forever rams
Forever rams
Table of Contents
Cover Letter………………………………………………………….……………..3
Executive Summary…………………………………...……………………..……..4
Company and Mission…………………………….………………...……………...5
Jobs and Job Descriptions…………………………………………………………..6
The Market………………………………................................................................7
Financial Predictions…………….……………………………..…………………..8
Keys to Success…………………………………......…………………….….…….9
511 Millbrook Ave
Randolph, NJ, 07869
April 23, 2013
Mrs. Deborah Iosso
Randolph High School
511 Millbrook Ave
Randolph, NJ, 07869
Dear Mrs. Iosso,
Subject: Forever Rams
We are writing to you to propose a new school business. Our company is called Forever Rams and we provide stylish and high quality products that are in extremely high demand for young adults. The three of us are currently taking the Business Principles Honors course and have a vast interest in pursuing this business venture at Randolph High School. The service we wish to propose is to set up a store that provides stylish and quality clothes, accessories, and other products. You may think this sounds much like other proposals you’ve been receiving but one major thing sets up apart from all other companies. The store will be run by students here at RHS. The clothes will be manufactured by fashion and design students and all the business related aspects of the store will be handled by students in the business department. The store will exclusive to RHS students keeping it unique and cost effective. We three students here at RHS believe that with hard work, respect, and commitment we can achieve great things. We are extremely dedicated to make this program thrive and carry on successfully throughout the year and years to come. Thank you for this opportunity.