I could hear a voice at the edge of my consciousness. It was deep, and commanding, like a narrator's. I strained my ears to hear. But it was not enough. The voice was coming closer, yet I could not see where it was coming from. I looked to my surroundings. The round walls were oak brown, and the floor was spongy, like lush grass. I looked to the ceiling, it was a forest green. The voice was now close enough for me to hear. “Brave Cycad. You have slept for a long time. Wake.” It called. “I must teach you what you need to know.” I looked around, still trying to find the source of the noise. Not that they had mentioned it, I was a little drowsy, and I needed to stretch. It was like I had just woken up, after a long nap. I decided …show more content…
I was no longer in pain, but I was sore. As if I had been riding. Everything came back. The boy and his pretty horse. Where was I? If I was in the castle, it was only a matter of time. I looked around the room. There was no windows, but there was a door.
I slowly pulled the sheets off of me, not wanting to make noise. I realised that my shoes were by my bed. I quickly put them on and started towards the door. I found myself in a long corridor, with too many doors branching off to count. I decided to go to my right. Halfway down the hall, I heard the ring of armoured men walking towards me.
I turned and ran, hoping to get around the corner before they saw me. Just as I rounded the corner, I smacked into someone. We both went crashing to the floor. I recognised the person as the man who had found me.I bolted past him, down the spiraling staircase. But I was to slow. He grabbed the hem of my dress. And I fell down, hitting my head on the round stone wall. I saw stars. I felt myself being picked up, and layed down against a wall. A few seconds later my head …show more content…
The nerve of him. Could he not see that I hated being locked up in dark places? If I was his guest, I would never return. I would give him a one-star for hospitality and comfort.
“Ah, I like you,” he said, “such heart and wit. But I am afraid you are somewhat of a prisoner, after all, what were you doing in those woods?”
My heart skipped a beat. If he found out about me being an Ent, I would be detained, and I would never save Ry. So I came up with another comeback.
“Well, I happen to like sunshine, and the woods,” I told him, “unlike a certain prince I know, who prefers dark rooms and corridors.”
He raised one eyebrow at me. I found the expression quite funny, but I didn’t laugh, knowing he lash out. This time when I stood up he didn't stop me. But as I started down the stairs he called, “I will find you, my lady, and when I do, you will come with me. Do not forget. You are the first I had seen with such beautiful hair.”
I rushed down the stairs, tripping on my dress. When I made it down, I rushed into the courtyard, and searched for an exit. I saw a pair of grand gates, and I ran towards them. The guards swung them open and I rushed through, into the village.