June 10, 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Background 1
Economic History 3
Business Culture 5
Economic Conditions and the Business Culture 6
Relationships and Trust in the Business Culture 8
The Custo Brazil and the Business Culture 9
Brazil versus the United States 10
Living and Working in Brazil 12
Recommendations for Working with People from Other Countries 13
Closing 14
References i
Appendix: Interview Questions ii
Throughout its history, Brazil has frequently been called the country of the future, but its day never seems to come. Despite a wealth of natural resources and a growing population, the country’s internal economic and political disruptions appear to have limited Brazil’s emergence as a global power. Still, as the second decade of the 21st century unfolds, Brazil stands as Latin America’s largest and richest country, and experts are still claiming the future belongs to Brazil.
Despite a slowdown in the last couple of years, Brazil has been a remarkable success story in the last decade. Economic growth in the country has led to a rapid expansion of the middle class there – from 66 million people in 2003 to 105 million in 2011 (Hanna, 2012). Per capita GDP grew at an 11.8% compound annual growth rate between 2000 and 2011 (O’Neill, 2012). Building on its strong industrial base, with a wealth of natural resources, Brazil is expected to continue growing strongly in the coming years.
As an analyst for an energy management firm, I have noted for many years how Brazil’s rich energy resources are fueling growth. Though some believe the future now lies in Asia, Latin America is rich in the raw materials that Asia will require to fuel its demand. As Latin America’s undisputed economic leader, Brazil is poised to benefit immensely from this future
References: Bourne, R. (2008). Lula of Brazil: The Story So Far. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. Fausto, B. (1999). A Concise History of Brazil. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Hanna, M. (2012). The Rise of Brazil’s Middle Class. Retrieved from http://www.marketmontage.com/2012/08/13/the-rise-of-brazils-middle-class/ James, G Levine, R. M. (1999). The History of Brazil. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. O’Neill, J. (2012). The Brazilian Miracle. The International Economy. Retrieved from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+Brazilian+miracle%3A+in+his+new+book,+Jim+O ' Neill,+inventor+of+the...-a0301647696 Sachs, I., Wilhelm, J., & Pinheiro, P Vincent, J. S. (2003). Culture and Customs of Brazil. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.