Once you dare to make the jump from the treadmill, you now fully rely on your own will power. You are no …show more content…
You can retire to school, listen to the teacher, do the work, go home, do the homework over and over without making an attempt to actually learn. Even if you do your 4 years of High School and pass without ever “jumping off”, what do you do now? At this point you have effectively done work to achieve no progress. You can mindlessly fill out every worksheet and pass, but if you never make the decision to take control of your life and actually go somewhere, you will never fulfil your potential. You can make this decision by not just being dragged along, but going beyond and thrive for success. to ensure you have a future ahead of you. Join clubs, make inquiries about what you’re learning and attempt to make sure you’re making progress. But that does not come easy. Once you make the jump you’re no longer being assisted by mediocrity, but you are relying on YOU to take full control and choose your own path that surpasses the “C’s get degrees” mentality and strive for a more meaningful