If Jesus was crazy he wouldn’t be able to hold a logical conversation. Jesus’ conversations were more than logical. Jesus was also not fearful of imagined threats. The book gives these examples, Jesus “accused one of his closest followers of plotting to betray him- but he turned out to be right.” and Jesus “remained calm and non defensive at his trial.” Jesus knew these things would happen and was ok with it because, it was prophecy for him to be tried and crucified. Jesus, the master hypnotist? In the gospel Matthew, it says that Jesus fed a group of 5000 men, not including women and children, with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and had plenty left over. Even if Jesus was a hypnotist, it is impossible to hypnotize that many people at one time. Plus, to be hypnotized you have to be willing. Out of a group of people that large there has to be at least one person unwilling to be hypnotized. Finally on page 37 it says that when Jesus turned water into wine He never addressed the guests who tasted the wine. He didn’t suggest that the water had become
If Jesus was crazy he wouldn’t be able to hold a logical conversation. Jesus’ conversations were more than logical. Jesus was also not fearful of imagined threats. The book gives these examples, Jesus “accused one of his closest followers of plotting to betray him- but he turned out to be right.” and Jesus “remained calm and non defensive at his trial.” Jesus knew these things would happen and was ok with it because, it was prophecy for him to be tried and crucified. Jesus, the master hypnotist? In the gospel Matthew, it says that Jesus fed a group of 5000 men, not including women and children, with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and had plenty left over. Even if Jesus was a hypnotist, it is impossible to hypnotize that many people at one time. Plus, to be hypnotized you have to be willing. Out of a group of people that large there has to be at least one person unwilling to be hypnotized. Finally on page 37 it says that when Jesus turned water into wine He never addressed the guests who tasted the wine. He didn’t suggest that the water had become