His home with Anna and their seven children before her disappearance provided much happiness for Kojo. It was devasting to him to lose Anna, the love of his life and home was never the same any longer. H knew what home should be, and missed many years due to his time in prison. It appears H knew what he was missing being alone. He had enough good memories of his own and saw what Joecy had with his wife and son to cause his to ask for a second chance with Ethe. Esi home was broken from the beginning when her real Mother gave her to Babba. Even then, she may have had a wonderful home life because of her father’s position, were it not for the trickery of Babba and sending Esi away where she ends up being sold into slavery. Homegoing is a fictional piece of work, yet, you are compelled to become one with the characters. You bristle at the injustice and cruelty of the slave owners. You marvel at the ability of people like Esi, Ness and H to endure the pain and suffering they did. And you feel your blood begin to boil at the injustice of it all. What kind of life is it to live without a
His home with Anna and their seven children before her disappearance provided much happiness for Kojo. It was devasting to him to lose Anna, the love of his life and home was never the same any longer. H knew what home should be, and missed many years due to his time in prison. It appears H knew what he was missing being alone. He had enough good memories of his own and saw what Joecy had with his wife and son to cause his to ask for a second chance with Ethe. Esi home was broken from the beginning when her real Mother gave her to Babba. Even then, she may have had a wonderful home life because of her father’s position, were it not for the trickery of Babba and sending Esi away where she ends up being sold into slavery. Homegoing is a fictional piece of work, yet, you are compelled to become one with the characters. You bristle at the injustice and cruelty of the slave owners. You marvel at the ability of people like Esi, Ness and H to endure the pain and suffering they did. And you feel your blood begin to boil at the injustice of it all. What kind of life is it to live without a