With this unsteadiness in Ireland and the Battle of Clontarf stamped a great point on Ireland’s national struggle with the expulsion of the Viking invader. During this time in Ireland the influence of the rest of Europe’s politics saw Irish politics follow in stride of kings fighting longer in battles and wars away from their home, leaving others to govern their lands. Irish leaders followed and in doing so left the nation weak and open to an easy attack . The true exposure of Ireland’s weakness was implemented when a man, MacMudoh approached England and her king for military assistance, however this backfired and instead of helping the English attacked and took rein. With word from the Pope the king of England, King Henry II, claimed Ireland as to reform the church. Many of the kings, those less powerful, saw this as good to have him on side. In doing this king Henry left provinces in Ireland ruled by Anglo-French Lords resulting in a process of colonisation, establishing and building agricultural estates and markets to sell goods both locally and nationally …show more content…
It was inevitable that England would invade Ireland, partly because they could, it was there and they had a more suitable land for crops. Colonisation always has an impact on the coloniser and the colonised. When King Henry Vlll became king of England, England split from the rule of the Pope in 1533 due to being against divorce, forbidden under Catholic law. In the year that followed king Henry began a newly reformed Church, the Church of England, also known as the Anglican Church it continued many of the same beliefs as that of the Catholic Church. Whilst this was happening in England in Scotland a more extreme and protestant stance was being taken, often referred to and formed into Presbyterian, the Church of Scotland. With a new protestant England ruling a Catholic Ireland many rejected their views and where in return seen as a threat to England. This impacted Irish Catholicism as Catholic religion has been the fundamental religion for Ireland for thousands of years and this was being stripped away from them and many became protestant by coercion than choice as many laws were implemented stopping Catholic Irish owning guns, being professionals, getting involved in politics, having an education unless protestant and owning land or a horse over five pounds of value . The British Government now had great political control, economic control was run by English landlords and the