The Civil War was the war between brothers. It was the bloodiest battle ever! Men were killing their brothers, their friends. It was by far the worst war america has ever fought in. Two things that led to this horrible war was South Carolina Secession, and the attack on Fort Sumter.…
During the 1700s and 1800s the Irish decided to migrate to America for a variety of reason. Some of those being poverty, denied property, denied education, couldn’t be involved in politics, and weren’t able to practice their religion freely. They were constantly being harassed and stereotyped by the English. Therefore, the Irish decided to travel to America for a chance at a better life.…
There were many reasons for the Civil War. As an example, most people feel as if the Civil War was about slavery, although recently we have found that it was actually about federal and state rights. Slavery was a small but effective role in the Civil War. The southern half of the United States were “slave states” as the north were “free states”, there were always an equal amount of slave and free states. The south and north had very different views and constantly got into disagreements with each other.…
Civil War in America took place in 1861-1865 between northern and southern states. Many different reasons brought to this event but some more than other. As we all know slavery was the biggest issue of that time and reason for Civil War to start, but behind this issue there are huge economical differences. People in the north did want to change human rights in the whole country because they were against slavery but their economy did not depend on slaves. Southerners did not agree on this mostly because they were highly depended on slave work and they would lose wealth and their independence.…
The Civil War had few different governments and religions going on during the Civil War area between the North and the South. Before the war many people were on the same religion. During the Civil War to government and religion was same as before but they each had their own rules for religion and government and fought about it. Then after the War they all got together central idea on the rules and such then everyone become on same page again and things started going back to normal again. The time frame before and after the Civil War was big time frame that has lot of government and religious things happening during then.…
There are several things that play into why the Civil War started, although the overall burning issue was slavery. Many people argue that the Civil War started over states rights. But when you look at it the states rights were to abolish or protect slavery. This problem seemed to arise as the north became more industrialized and the south stayed predominately agricultural based. As the north began to look towards a city life people began to work together as one.…
The Civil war started in 1861 because of conflict between the North and the South. The Southern states broke away from the United States of America and made the Confederate States of America because they wanted to have slaves and have more freedom. The war lasted for four years between the Union and the Confederacy. Many different people were affected by this war. Some people that were affected include women, children, and African-Americans.…
The “Civil War” was important in history because it was when the Northern and Southern part of the United States battled against each other, due to the sides having their own different beliefs and religions. This war lasted 5 year from 1861-1865. The South believed in “Slavery” and were heavy about it because it was their way of making money more easily. But, most people who didn't have slaves or very little would also work with the slaves or be tolerated like one. But the North believed in more states rights and industry as well and the slavery was a step into their machinery.…
I see the Civil War as a big family dispute divided by different interests, attitudes, and overall lifestyles. The Union was disputing between the Northern and Southern states because of their different views on how they wanted their country to be like. But before the Civil War, there were events that took place that started to pull the Union apart leading to the overall outcome of a national epidemic. These events created a division within the Union, turning brother against brother. John Brown predicted a war by making a statement before his execution…
Civil War The reason of the Civil War starting is because when Abraham Lincoln became the president it cause about seven Southern countries to secede from the union and they formed a thing called “Confederate States”. So after that there was many other reasons of the why the Civil War happened but some of the reasons are the idea of slavery, tariffs, trading and states rights. So, one of the reason of the civil war is the Missouri Compromise and it was extending to the California border and they are dividing the factor between the North and the South. When they divide the Northern states are taken the rights from the Southern so they can own slaves. The Missouri Compromise was a series of agreements that the Congress has made.…
The Civil War was a conflict, it was a big foundation of our history. It changed the way we viewed ourselves, it was also one of the most important foundations of American history. The Civil War was between April 12, 1861, to April 9, 1865. The Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. It is also called the war between states.…
When talking about the conflict in Ireland, it is important to bear in mind that it is not only political, but also religious. The suppression of Catholics in the country can be dated all the way back to the Reformation in 1517, and the struggle between the two religious groups lasted up until the uprising in Ireland in the beginning of the twentieth century. When Ireland was liberated in the beginning in 1921 (Republic or Ireland, Wikipedia), the country was separated so that Ulster – a province in Northern Ireland – did not become a part of the free Irish republic, but remained under British rule. Here, the suppression of the Catholics continued, and along with not being a part of the rest of Ireland, this led to a huge conflict between unionists that wanted to remain in union with Great Britain and the Catholics that wanted to be free from British rule.…
Catholic emancipation gave many Catholics a new sense of political power, and was directed into the Tithe War of 1831. Tithes, which was a tax of 10% paid on crops and animals by all denominations for the upkeep of the Anglican Church of Ireland, had caused much resentment towards parliament from Irish Catholics, as it was irrespective of an individual's religious adherence. The secondary source written by Brian Jenkins, Era of Emancipation, published 1988: British Government of Ireland, explains that ‘’the government blithely ignored all warnings, private as well as public, that the taxes were extremely unpopular, and were uniting Ireland against Britain, for it was infected with a new spirit.’’ This shows how the taxes angered the Irish Catholics, as they were getting harshly taxed, for nothing in return, such as Catholics being able to stand for parliament and take their seat. In the beginning of the 1830’s the resistance became more organised and many refused to pay. Therefore, as Irish Catholics begun to refuse the Tithes, the Anglo-Irish relation weakened, England and Ireland partitioned more.…
For quite some time now there has been conflict in Northern Ireland between the two religious groups, the Catholics and the Protestants. The fighting going on among these two groups is not over religion but over power of Northern Ireland. At one point the fighting had gotten so bad that they issued a peace treaty. Though the Peace Treaty is currently in place, there is still contention between Catholics and Protestants because the past is still affecting the two assemblies.…
I agree that divided loyalties was an important factor that led to the tension in Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland, most Protestants regard themselves as British whereas Catholics see themselves as Irish. This difference in beliefs and loyalties is the basis that leads to the tension as the people do not regard themselves as people of the same country. Most Protestants do not want a union with Ireland as they are afraid that a Catholic government would not be tolerant of their beliefs. On the other hand, the Catholics resent the brutal killings and harsh treatment by the Protestants in the Battle of Boyne whereas the Protestants celebrate the Protestant victory in the battle. These senses of loyalty towards different countries make the Protestants and Catholics intolerant of each other, leading to the tension and hostility of the two religious groups.…