Accord-ing to Lichtenberger, Broadbooks and Kaufman (2000) upon evaluation Leslie pre-sented as anxious and fearful but she was able to relax after a time and became com-fortable with the testing. A toy was placed on a table in front of Leslie which she was initially afraid of and would not touch. Eventually she approached the toy developing an ease with the testing environment. “When asked to focus in a specific way, Leslie demonstrated a limited attention span compared to her peers. She would often pay at-tention for a moment Bevel 2 and then turn her head away to stand up from her seat.” (Lichten-berger, Broadbooks and Kaufman, 2000. 116). She had very low tolerance for following specific requests causing which seemed to cause her frustration. After testing she re-turned to a contented state once there were no exceptions of her performance. She cooperated more fully when asked questions requiring no verbal responses. The re-sults of the testing indicated below average in expressive skills and an average range of receptive skills. The discrepancy indicates the need for further testing (Lichten-berger, Broadbooks and Kaufman,
Accord-ing to Lichtenberger, Broadbooks and Kaufman (2000) upon evaluation Leslie pre-sented as anxious and fearful but she was able to relax after a time and became com-fortable with the testing. A toy was placed on a table in front of Leslie which she was initially afraid of and would not touch. Eventually she approached the toy developing an ease with the testing environment. “When asked to focus in a specific way, Leslie demonstrated a limited attention span compared to her peers. She would often pay at-tention for a moment Bevel 2 and then turn her head away to stand up from her seat.” (Lichten-berger, Broadbooks and Kaufman, 2000. 116). She had very low tolerance for following specific requests causing which seemed to cause her frustration. After testing she re-turned to a contented state once there were no exceptions of her performance. She cooperated more fully when asked questions requiring no verbal responses. The re-sults of the testing indicated below average in expressive skills and an average range of receptive skills. The discrepancy indicates the need for further testing (Lichten-berger, Broadbooks and Kaufman,