These three students would tare up my work. I was really intimidated by them so, I would fail in order not to be bullied. Sometimes it wouldn work, I would be in trouble for my work being torn all the time. In addition to that, I would not turn in work. Just about everyday I was telling my teacher or administration about me being bullied. Well, they got tired of it and game the three boys and me silent lunch for the rest of the week. Than the teachers caught the three buys and they were written up and suspended
for their behavior. With all of this going on the teachers would put an F in the grade book. One day I crashed and I started failing everything.I failed my tests, quizzes, class work, and projects. I was madder than a bull chasing red. In conclusion I was moved to another class so that I would not have to deal with it anymore. Than life was good for a while. I learned that people will try to get under your skin. I know that the three bullies did get under my skin, but what ever you do don’t let that happen. I know that it is hard. If that is you, just know that there are people out there somewhere praying for you. Never let what is downing you get in the way of an education. (Be the strong one and don’t let the bully or bullies know you are hurting inside.)