Analysis of data related to association between the burnout strategies used by staff nurses working in critical care unit The Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated between coping parameters and burnout parameters. The significant of correlation coefficient was assessed using t-test for significance of correlation coefficient. The summary of the results of this assessment are tabulated below:
Table 14: Association between the burnout and coping strategies used by staff nurses working in critical care unit BurnoutCoping Statistic Task oriented Emotional oriented Avoidance Oriented
Emotional Exhaustion Correlation coefficient T p- value -0.09-0.90.384 0.384.00.000
Depersonalization Correlation coefficient -0.35-3.70.000 …show more content…
There is positive correlation between task oriented coping and personal accomplishment burnout. Since p – value is small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. The correlation between task oriented coping and personal accomplishment burnout is significant. Correlation coefficient between emotional oriented coping and emotional exhausted burnout is 0.38 (t=4 and p – value = 0.000) there is positive correlation between emotional oriented coping and emotional exhausted burnout. Since p – value is small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. The correlation between emotional oriented coping and emotional exhausted burnout is significant.
Correlation coefficient between emotional oriented coping and depersonalization burnout is 0.29 (t = 3 and p – value = 0.004). There is positive correlation between emotional oriented coping and depersonalization burnout. Since p – value is small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is reje cted. The correlation between emotional oriented coping and depersonalization burnout is significant.