BUAD 301 Monday 4:00 to 6:45 pm
Professor: Colin S. Innes
Office: Mihaylo 4175
Office Hours: MTWR 9:45 to 10:45 am e-mail: cinnes@fullerton.edu
Course Prerequisites:
Grade of C or above in English 101 and BUAD 201, or their equivalents. You may not be enrolled in BUAD 201 and BUAD 301 simultaneously.
Course Description:
In BUAD 301 you will build upon skills acquired and developed in BUAD 201. Using these basic, but crucial, communication skills you will continue to produce documents but of a more sophisticated nature. Whereas in BUAD 201 the messages were relatively straightforward, as you became familiar with producing various types of communications, BUAD 301 calls for a more detailed and careful analysis of a broad range of business cases and the cogent synthesis of appropriate solutions, with an ongoing sense of what is the most ETHICAL path to follow in any given case.
Each week you will be asked to work on a business case and produce a satisfactory response to the task at hand.
Common Body of Knowledge Content Coverage: The left hand column assumes skills already developed in BUAD 201.
Students will… (BUAD 201)
Students will… (BUAD 301)
… apply fundamental strategies and techniques of business communication to prepare business correspondence, reports and presentations
… increase their knowledge of organizational writing/communication in domestic and international markets.
… understand the characteristics of business writing style and the essentials of effective document design.
… critically assess, both individually and in groups, domestic and international business problems, formulate company objectives, and propose and analyze justifiable business solutions based on researched data.
… analyze and use contemporary business communication channels.
… demonstrate information competence through library database research and through the integration of the data to bolster arguments