The story of the Intrapreneurial (corporate entrepreneurial) corporate struggles, determination and the ultimate creation of the very successful Sony PlayStation by persistent and driven intrapreneur Ken Kutaragi, who's international Intrapreneurial Success story has now become one of the most celebrated in business history.
Intrapreneurship has been successfully utilized by corporations, partnerships, and non-profit firms in the US, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The underlying concept and idea of Intrapreneurship or Corporate Entrepreneurship had been present in corporations in the United States, Japan, and all around the world, for many decades, even before the term was used in the mid 1980's in the mainstream media.
Howard Edward Haller's University Master's Thesis was published back in 1982. Haller's Thesis was the first academic case study of Intrapreneurship or corporate entrepreneurship. The intrapreneurial success of PR1ME Leasing helped the small growing OTC listed parent corporation (PR1ME Computer) to grow rapidly with strong sales and profits. PR1ME Computer Inc. was OTC listed and becoming NYSE listed n 4 years after launching the very successful Intrapreneurship adventure, PR1ME Leasing.
The terms and basic concepts of "intrapreneur" or "Intrapreneurship" have existed and been effectively utilized in corporations for decades before the popular media put Intrapreneurship in mainstream media. On February 4, 1985 TIME Magazine's article, "Here come the Intrapreneurs" discussed the Intrapreneurial spirit including the creation of Apple, and Saturn within General Motors, as well as Intrapreneurship ventures at AT&T, Data General, DuPont, and Texas Instruments.
Steve Jobs, Apple's Chairman then and now, used the word "intrapreneurship" in a Newsweek magazine article, September 30, 1985, in which Chairman Job's shared: "The Macintosh team was what is