Summary Report is Due on September 27th .
Observation of Buying Behavior – Field Study
This is a group assignment - worth 5 points. This assignment requires you to conduct some retail investigation in the field. Your report should be presented in a summary style (like this description) and should be double spaced between 3 to 5 pages long. Please follow the following requirements:--
1. Select one of these categories in this list: a) Grocery Items (be specify) b) Cosmetic and Personal Care Products c) Athletic equipments d) Footwear s e) Electrical Appliances f) Home Appliances g) Women Apparels h) Toys
2. Visit two retail stores that sell the particular products. They can be in department stores, discount stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, electronics stores, shoe stores, etc. Make sure that the two stores are differentiated from each other (i.e. in terms of products offering or their target groups.)
3. You will make observations of consumers buying behavior in those retail stores. You are to observe the manner in which customers make their purchase decision. Use the lecture in chapter 4 part 1 as a guideline for understanding buying behavior process. Please spend at least ten minutes watching how people generally approach the products, look at, compare and make their buying decision. Do not communicate or interact with the people you are observing.
4. Write down what you see: -- the characteristics of “typical” consumers in that particular store, The “interesting” consumers you see, the time they spend, how they approach their choices, how they make the decision to buy, how their interactions with the products and sale associates are. Also, please write down what time of the day you conduct the observations. How busy the traffics are in those particular stores?
5. Each group submits a