By Jack Edmunds
Cows are scary at night. I found this out once on a Boy Scout camping trip. Camping trips with the Boy Scouts can be great fun if you can come up with things to do during the dull moments between planned activities and sleep. This was never a problem for me and my peers being the criminal mastermind that I was back then. I never had any trouble thinking of stupid ideas to get us all in trouble. On this occasion since we were camping on a farm after a day full of parent approved fun activities night fell and we were left to our own devices. Instead of doing the usual snipe hunting this time the idea of cow tipping was brought to the table. Being the all knowing wise leader that I was I convinced …show more content…
But they weren’t. And they did. The main problem was that these cows were actually bulls not cows. I didn’t know the difference between cows and bulls at the time. The bulls for dairy breeds are often considered the most dangerous type of cattle besides bulls of Spanish fighting breeds. Now that I have grown older and more knowledgeable I know cow tipping isn’t even possible. Cows weigh at least 800lbs. and they sleep on the ground. If they are even asleep at 8:30. All of this important knowledge was unavailable to me as I lead my friends into this obvious …show more content…
(loud noises, rigid posture, cursing)It was also mostly black I the brave leader was the first to run. I got maybe 100 yards before I realized I didn’t have a flashlight so I ran back and as approached the group panicked and dispersed quickly as the bull charged in their direction. The group had split and none was in the way. The bull had missed and it didn’t take him long to turn toward a stunned me and charge. I sprinted to one side as he came towards me. He missed. What he did next I don’t know. I never looked back. The others from my group had gone. There was no light except the little crescent beam from the waning