Americans were the victims of atrocious hate crimes following 9/11. In a window of 6 days after the dreadful event there were 645 bias incidents against Muslims or South Asians mistaken to be Muslim.
These were obviously not justified, innocent Muslim-Amercans were no more responsible for the attacks than the grocer down the street. The hate crimes did not halt after 6 days though, or even a year after the event, Muslims are being blamed by ignorant people for this even today. Only recently an Indian man mistaken for being Muslim was pushed in front of a train. Tragedies like this are continuing to go on and there aren’t any signs of it stopping. The most infuriating part of these occurrences is that they happen under the radar without much media coverage. Sometimes it appears as if Americans value some lives over others. This is extremely disturbing and the lack of sympathy for the