Anyone who wants to make a difference can, but the most important thing in order to do so is to make voice, people have to speak up and make it happen. The best way to voice your opinion is in a letter to the people who have more power over it. It is important to due so because they have to make a connection, and it proves that they have the power to do so. In order to get your word out you can join groups that support this and one group is Global Response. They motivate parents and young people to make a letter to request that the actions be taken to stop destruction of the environment all over the globe. There is a website were parents can get all the information they need in order to get things started. The actions taken by these people that choose to get involved have already had positive effects for other communities.
When people join and become members of this group they can pick from a variety of major topics with the biggest concerns. Some of the topics are; save habitat for sea turtles and dolphins by stopping an oil-drilling project along Costa Rica's Caribbean coast, prevent strip-mining of Kenya's coast for titanium, a project that would have polluted precious forests, wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs and marine life on Kenya's pristine coast, stop oil development in Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve, one of the world's most biologically diverse tropical wetlands. These are just some of the things you can write letters towards. If young people want to have a healthy planet during their lifetime and future generations, they should step up and speak their