Submitted By Anup Khadka
Submitted To
Nimesh Ulak
ACKNOWLEGDEMNET I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my Principle of Cooking teacher, Mr. Nimesh Ulak, who has assigned me to prepare this report after preparing this Cantonese cuisine I have increase skills and knowledge about the food we prepare at the kitchen. Assigning the report about the Cantonese Cuisine and know all the information related to the cuisine I have prepared. I really thank to all the persons who have help me during making this report.
1. Introduction
Cantonese food is the most popular style outside China. Cantonese cuisine originates from the region around Canton (Guangzhou) in southern China's Guangdong province. One Cantonese saying goes that anything that walks, swims, crawls, or flies is edible. Another says that the only four-legged things that Cantonese people won't eat are tables and chairs. Cantonese cuisine includes almost all edible food in addition to the staples of pork, beef and chicken, such as snakes, snails, insects, worms, chicken feet, duck tongues, and entrails. As a trading post, Canton (Guangzhou) had access to a large range of imported food, which resulted in the huge variety of Cantonese dish we can enjoy today.
2. Historical background
Cantonese Cuisine has a long history, which has the same commonality of Chinese food culture as the other areas. In ancient times, Yue in south of the Five Ridges contacted with the Central Plains closely with the historic changes of the dynasties, many people in Central Plains escaped the war to the South China. Because of this, the integration of the two ethnic groups increased. The culture of Central Plains moved to