“I have comfy clothes for you in the bedroom in the closet if you want.” But Cas was too focused on the puzzles to get up. He didn’t respond and he spent hours on the floor, playing with the puzzles and rubik's cube.
It was late at night and Dean was gone. It was only Charlie and Cas in the one bedroom apartment. By then they were comfortable clothes and were cuddling on the couch under a blanket while Charlie ate popcorn. Harry Potter played on the screen and Castiel shouted spells with the movie.
The movie ended not too long after Charlie had finished finished her popcorn. The room was dark and Cas was comfortable even as Charlie left to go to bed. He curled up on the couch they shared for most of their childhood and he fell into a dreamless sleep. But he was safe and warm and he didn’t get beat today. Charlie came out of her bedroom when she got thirsty. She looked at her best friend and felt a surge of anger towards his brothers. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Goodnight, Cas… You’re safe” She whispered. “You’re