Dr. Kihwan Kim
MGMT 306
In Tech, Poaching is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
1) One of the biggest challenge for any company is turn over rate. I work at Hy-Vee, and it is very hard to keep part time employees because you hahve to be passionate on what your doing, and the turnover rate is so high. In technology companies, their biggest problem was keeping somone when that manager or excutive wants to go somewhere else. What makes this situation harder is that they can’t just hire anyone to be a manager of a certain technology. The person has to have a degree, or even some what of experience of what they are doing.
2) They seemed to use either former employees of other companies, or somone in a hirer power would go out and find that one person. Another thing they seem to use figure out where employees went to school and recruit based on personalities of their employees and where they came from. This can seem like a problem, because not everyone with the same personality can have the same intelgience level or motivation that someone else would want.
3) There is nothing they can really but train all employees. I can see that not training vulnerable employees can turn that employee away very quick. Companies can be very vulnerable by having another company take an employee away when th current company just poached from them. This can become a disaster, and the winner on who out poaches can be the one who has the most money to pay that employee, which in the long run turn into a complete disaster.
4) Emplpoyees would have to make a contract agreement of some sort to a employee saying they can’t leave or start another tech company for a certain amount of time. This will really help keep employees, and it will be validated by law. Breaking a contract is a big violation against the law.