1. Questions to use as start in evaluating the potential of a specific BOP market segment. • What does the BOP market lack in the specific country? • What are the health issues that plague the area? • Are the BOP communities self sustainable or do they rely on expensive services from outside sources? • What do the BOP value? • What kind of entertainment does the BOP enjoy? • What does the BOP do for extra curricular activities? • How far will the BOP travel to get products they desire? • What form of transportation does the BOP use? • Does the BOP area in mind live in a rural, residential or city area? • How much money does the BOP have to spend on frivolous products? • How many people live in each household? • Do most people cook or eat at home? • What type of jobs do most BOP people do? • How big are the average family of the BOP segment? • Who is in charge of shopping of the BOP segment?
a. No, it is not exploitation for a company to profit from selling soaps, shampoo, personal computers and such to people with little disposable income. Every company is in existence to make a profit (besides non profits) and needs to make a profit to stay afloat. If they can come up with a product that fits the need of an area for a BOP segment and the BOP segment can benefit from it I don't feel that it is exploitation. I feel that they are benefitting the BOP with a product to meet their needs in which they can afford.
b. I feel that a 20% interest loan is a little high for someone in the BOP to repay. They will end up paying a substantial amount of interest before they pay off their principal unless the loan amount was so small that the 20% interest rate is pretty insignificant and they can pay off the loan in a relatively short amount of time.
c. I feel like it can stimulate growth if it helps the BOP segment become more self sustainable and rely on outside sources