The focus of the case study appears to be the introduction of a new manager, Elizabeth Ryan and the challenges she will face. She has completed her training and looking forward to turning the business around. The location in Austin Texas that she will manage has consistently performed in the lower 10% of the 60 clinics within the corporation. Ryan’s is confident that her background in the military has provided her the skills which will allow her to determine the issues which are causing the low performance ratings and provide the appropriate measures to correct them.
Situation Analysis
Ryan begins her fifth day of employment with Advanced Laser Clinics with her introduction to her …show more content…
Ryan in professional and approachable as the meeting starts asking for Gulford’s input on improving the clinic. Gulford does not feel there is any chance for improvement in the clinic and blames this on the part-time technician Gretchen Moore. She states Moore “stinks” and it is costing the clinic customers and causing her to do more than her share of the treatments because clients do not want Moore to perform their treatments. Ryan is unable to lead Gulford into other directions concerning improvements within the clinic. Ryan realizes there is much more to the situation at the clinic than she had anticipated. She meets with Moore the next day and quickly realizes that the Gulford was not exaggerating concerning the extent of Moore’s body …show more content…
Her approach to her first meeting with Moore should be the same as she used with Gulford. Ryan had brought candles to the clinic that morning and she could use them as a way to approach the sensitive subject. Ryan should state that she has to discuss something with Moore that is very difficult for her. This will show Moore that Ryan is not intent on bullying or being mean.
At this point Ryan could then state there is an issue with Moore’s scent. Everyone has a scent, everyone smells like something. When the scent affects the workplace and customers, it must be addressed. Assure Moore that the issue at hand is something that should be able to be corrected. It may be medical, or it could be a matter of fragrances not agreeing with one’s body chemistry. Ryan needs to reassure Moore that, as her manager, she is there to offer guidance. Ryan can reassure Moore that her skills as a technician are not in question.
Assuming that Moore is receptive to Ryan’s approach and chooses to try to correct the odor problem, the plan could start with visiting a doctor to see if there is a medical condition causing the odor. It may well be that Moore will be able to rectify the situation with her own methods since the issue has been brought to her