The problem with treating MS is that unlike cancer MS can't just be treated with a strong dose of medicine such as chemotherapy. With MS there can be at home treatments, doctors treatments, physical training and with strong cases chemotherapy but it will have no where near the same results as it would with some cancer patients. MS has a lot of treatments here are few, Physical Therapy though not a form of medicine is a great way to treat MS it slows down the progression of the disease in many cases in the US, Steroids have been given to patients with MS they have helped speed up some of the bodies functions like eye sight and strength to help with people that drive a lot and people who have issues with their fatigue. Another treatment method that has been used a lot is beautox , Beautox is a method that freezes up your muscles so people with bladder issues will have botox done and then heir bladder will be tighter and they won't have problems with keeping their urine in
The problem with treating MS is that unlike cancer MS can't just be treated with a strong dose of medicine such as chemotherapy. With MS there can be at home treatments, doctors treatments, physical training and with strong cases chemotherapy but it will have no where near the same results as it would with some cancer patients. MS has a lot of treatments here are few, Physical Therapy though not a form of medicine is a great way to treat MS it slows down the progression of the disease in many cases in the US, Steroids have been given to patients with MS they have helped speed up some of the bodies functions like eye sight and strength to help with people that drive a lot and people who have issues with their fatigue. Another treatment method that has been used a lot is beautox , Beautox is a method that freezes up your muscles so people with bladder issues will have botox done and then heir bladder will be tighter and they won't have problems with keeping their urine in