Californian Immigrants and African Americans
Living Together
A psycho educational support group
Anshu Sharma-Prunet
IDS 148650
John F. Kennedy University
Fall 2013
Introduction: Explaining the choice of the group……….……………………….. Page 2
Group Goals ……………………….……………………………………..……..…Page 4
Group Size, Composition and Recruitment. ……………..…………………..…..Page 5
Group Experience……………………………………………………………….....Page 6
Group Evaluation and Renewal……………………………….………..…….……Page 7
In Conclusion....……………….. …………………………………………………Page 7
Explaining the group of choice:
Californian Immigrants and African Americans
As an immigrant in the United States and having being one several times …show more content…
This would notably allow the group to occasionally break up in two sub groups to work on specific issues: gender specific, inter cultural, inter-generational etc…
Target identity of participants: The group would aim to have an equal number of Latinos, Asians, African Americans and US born residents represented. The age range is defined as ‘working age adult’ between ages 18 to 64, with as balanced a sample as possible. Women and men should be equally represented as well.
Recruitment of participants: The group would be affiliated with a community college or a UC (possible partnership with CSII to be explored). The outreach for recruitment would be organized through the foreign student body encouraging them to bring in their families and friends.
GROUP …show more content…
The speaker generally would be one of the group, describing her or his own experience of integration. Occasionally, an outside speaker will be brought in to share relevant experiences and tools. Further down the line, exercises of role playing could be used in conflict resolution tools. Trust building and small group exercises will be used as ways of drawing out common ground between participants. Once again, depending on the success of the experiment and whether some kind of individual leadership emerges, toward the mid-end of the year, one can hope that some participants might form a mini alliance to co-lead a group exercise of their own interest and want to bring it out to their own