David Cook
Liberty University
December 06, 2014
Case study PREPARE/ENRICH Steve and Cindy
When a couple agrees to counseling to help their marriage, one of the first things sought after would be to resolve differences that are weighing heavy on the marriage. In this case, Steve and Cindy have started on a journey through taking the PREPARE/ENRICH program. The tests and answers are detailed to the couples characteristics and personalities and cover the couples strengths and weaknesses. This case study analysis will separate the case into three main topics of discussion. Their strengths and weaknesses will be highlighted first then potential conflicts or problems will be discussed and finally a development plan for support and counseling will be discussed. Hawkins states in the text, that balance or, “oneness with healthy separateness”, is important to the intimacy in a relationship (Hawkins, 1991).This couple show many diverse strengths and weaknesses from the report. They both recognize the presence of a problem in their relationship but when it comes to addressing the problem it seems the Steve minimizes the level of problems within the marriage. Cindy on the other hand is more in touch with the reality that these problems sever. The report shows later on the both Cindy and Steve start to minimize the problems and the impact on the marriage. The book, Strengthening marital intimacy tells us that strength in a relationship usually comes from a balance in three categories, which are physical, spiritual and emotional (Hawkins, 1991). Steve and Cindy’s map reveals a weakness in some of these areas. They are generally disconnected and do not enjoy one another’s company and lack physical contact in the relationship. Steve and Cindy are from generally similar backgrounds. They are in the same age group and are from the same race. They both came from a non-abusive family and they both where the oldest child in the family.
References: Entwistle, D. N. (2010). Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Olson, D. (2009). PREPARE/ENRICH certification training kit. Minneapolis, MN: Life Innovations Inc. Hawkins, R. E. (1991). Strengthening marital intimacy. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. Petersen, J. C. (2007). Why don 't we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships. Lincoln City, Oregon: Petersen Publications. Worthington, E. L., Jr. (1989). Marriage counseling: A Christian approach to counseling couples. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.