Reflex Systems
Of the Big Five personality traits Rankin appears to stand out in 2 of the 5 standard traits.
The case shows Rankin to have a low to moderate level of Emotional Stability in that he exhibits self-confidence with regards to his own abilities. Rankin stays calm and does not appear to insult or become temperamental with his team members however he greatly lacks in sharing his enthusiasm. Rankin does have areas with concerns regarding the team’s commitment and in other areas of the project with regards to the budget and the time allotment however he does not vocalize them. Rankin is more focused on the project details which shows he has a high level of Conscientiousness. He is conscientious in the aspect of the work itself but not so much on the relational aspect based on his inability to communicate effectively with his team members. Rankin also exhibits a high mach trait in that he focuses on the end result and is shown to be looking toward the future and what the completed project could do for him personally in the future, with little regard to the other individuals on the team. 1.b.
Rankin’s trait in being Conscientious assist him to do well in this position. Being achievement oriented and very dependable, as well as his persistence to complete the project at all cost, are areas that prove Rankin to be a good Person Fit for this job. His history with the company and his potential ability to be promoted in the future also confirm that his character trait in being Conscientious make him a good Person-Fit for this job despite other areas in need of work.
1.c.& d.
As an executive coach for Rankin I would address where he was in terms of his self-awareness and explain the importance of gaining better emotional intelligence. I would cover the component areas of Emotional Intelligence he was in need of most which in my view of the case, it would be in areas of social awareness and relational management. I