Modern day stresses are more likely to be psychological in origin and prolonged in nature (work-related stress, financial worries, inter-personal relationships, chronic illnesses). But they can still set off the body’s alarm mechanism and the associated hormone surge. Over-exposure to those stress hormones can, in turn, have a range of impacts on the body’s systems - brain, cardiovascular, immune, digestive and so on.
People deal with stress in different ways and the capacity to deal with stress changes throughout life. Those who have developed effective strategies to deal with day to day stressors are less likely to develop physical and psychological symptoms.
Developing strategies to deal with stress can prevent or reduce its effects. There are many approaches to managing, relieving or coping with stress. These include exercise, dietary changes, relaxation, stress management courses, counselling and medications. Exercise and Diet
Diet and exercise can play an important role in the relief of stress. Eat a balanced diet and avoid foods that may increase tension eg: coffee, tea, and foods high in sugar. Exercise helps to release built up tension and